facebook Indicators That a Child Is Gifted
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Indicators That a Child Is Gifted


Every child under our Montessori programs in Sugar Land, Texas has their own skills, talents, and characteristics. Despite any condition or disability, others may have some abilities and may lack some, but that doesn’t mean a person has no attributes at all.

It is important to know when kids in an elementary campus in Texas are gifted and recognize which type of intelligence they have. You will have an idea by observing their behavior.

What are the signs that your child is gifted? Below are some indicators:

  • Curiosity
    Gifted children ask a lot of questions and they get insatiably curious. Get ready for a series of Q and A whenever they are around.
  • Broad vocabulary
    You will notice they use a broader vocabulary than kindergarten kids of their age and prefer adult conversations.
  • Quick learning
    They are eager to discover more things and easily learn them. They can even do things that are surprisingly advanced and independent that they may refuse childcare.
  • Original and critical thinking
    They can creatively make original ideas and solve problems more rapidly than other children.

These and more are the signs that your child has an incredible mind and thinking abilities.

Our camp Montessori boasts programs suitable for kids of different ages. We believe that children can exceed our expectations with the help of our dedicated teachers and staff at Montessori Reggio Academy.

Call us at 832-939-8898 if you need information about our school and its programs.

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