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Montessori Reggio Academy Elementary Campus

Award winning, Montessori Reggio Academy is proud to serve the Sugar Land community for over 8 years. With our two campuses located in the heart of Sugar Land, we offer an authentic Montessori & Reggio Emilia approach with a 21st century twist.
Our exclusive, Private Elementary Campus is located at 2555 Cordes Drive. This location specifically caters to children ages 4 years old to 11 years old.
Our curriculum is challenging, individually paced, and supportive. Students are engaged in their learning as contributing members of a respectful classroom. Through our dedicated, Montessori Trained & Certified Teachers they learn the most important life skills in these fundamental years: how to question, think critically, and take responsibility for their own learning. Combined with Reggio, students learn through hands-on projects and activities, movement, and facilitated lessons that grow their understanding and foster their love of learning.

Every month, Montessori Reggio Academy creates a new Reggio theme our students will learn about. They do a variety of hands-on activities that include cooking, experiments, sensory, art, and more! This helps our students continue to learn how to work on projects both collaboratively and independently. These activities are a great way of watching your child grow and understand how they view things.

We add STEAM, IXL, Yoga, Zumbini, Sign Language, Mandarin, and Spanish to our curriculum.
Our students’ progress is monitored to ensure they meet milestones such as Practical Life, Math, Language, Cultural Studies/Social Studies, and Science.
Our amazing staff takes great pride in instilling our core values; Excellence, Leadership, & Diversity into each one of our students.

Elementary Campus in Sugar Land, Texas